Sunday 9 October 2011

Mission... 4 and 3/4?

My actual sketch for this week is so complitely unfinished that I'll just post a doodle I did this week instead. I blame migraine, Sephiroth and Berqerac for this. But this is kinda cybery. Right?

I solemly swear to post something proper asap.

*Wobbles back to bed to giggle at her toes. These new migraine meds are interewsting*


  1. I like this piece a lot, even though it's still just a sketch.
    But seriously: "*Wobbles back to bed to giggle at her toes. These new migraine meds are interewsting*"

    interewsting to say the least....

  2. interewsting.

    Gee thanks, now I'll giggle at that for the rest of the night.

  3. Hahahaha, wellcome back to the planet Earth tomorrow morning ;D

    The head very interesting, because it leaves you lots of openings. I mean, you can only IMAGINE the details, whether it's attached or not and so forth...
    Me, totally in Tennant-heaven for the moment. Thin bodies, tiger brown eyes and sharp noses are for me like furries for Sari. Mwahahahaaa! (*manic laughter*)

  4. (being watching A LOT Doctor Who lately...)
