Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Mission: Natzi mummy

A variation of theme *natsimuumio' ('Natzi mummy'), inspired by the not-so-intelligent discussion on the comics forum Kvaak.

EDIT: Total silence, not a single comment on Facebook, Ms Mandu blog or here. Either I've done something stupid, without realizing it, or the picture is very bad. And I was kind of proud of the eye(s)... and the rabbit skull.

Mission: Impossible?

Hello dears!

It has been a long winter and as we have a ll been very preoccupied with other things it was best to let the Punks lie for a bit. But now, finally, it is high time to kick 2012 in gear, ComicPunk style.

The winter has come and I for one have been freezing. Living in an old house with bad windows means drawing with gloves on and having a sea of candles burning at all times and not for the romantic purposes. So I have spent all my free time under a blanket freezing and watching all the tv I haven't had time for before. That reminded me of what Nina posted before. Meaning this:

"Ever wondered about the casting on a favourite film or tv-series? Well I certainly have, many times...
Was listening to Kate Bush 'Wuthering Heights' when I suddenly remembered how much wished they had cast Kate in the role of Cathy instead of Anna Calder-Marshall in the Timothy Dalton -version of Wuthering Heights from 1970."

Wouldn't now be the perfect timing for a tv/film challenge? Either renew your favorite character or then just use that character in a new way in a story or image?

And no, this has nothing to do with the fact that I'm obsessed with the new Sherlock and need a reason to draw many Benedict Cumberbatches... Nothing at all.
But also, that series works as a perfect example of re-imagining a classic character and making him something similar but very different. And gave me an excuse to post that pic with the fantastic blue hues. *Cough*

So say we all!